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Nicholas ‘Nicky Nick’ Wells truly believes he is a changed man. He is smarter. He is patient. And he is reverential to those in a position of authority. But is it all just a dangerous ruse? Only days after he is released from one of America’s most infamous prisons, Wells—now a martial arts expert—begins to execute his life’s new mission.


Befriending a vulnerable woman to suit his needs, he begins to exact retribution against the most unlikely of targets—an elderly man afflicted with crippling terminal diseases. But is his target really a feeble old man? Or is it simply the beginning of a campaign aimed at those he thinks are responsible for the twelve-hundred and seventy-seven days he spent in a prison cell?


In the third and final episode of a saga that began in 2010, R.M. Doyon returns his readers to upstate New York and the tragedy-stricken Schumacher family. 


In this gripping, page-turner of a novel, Doyon deftly brings to a conclusion the story of how one American family beset with cruelty, violence and heartbreak can ultimately experience closure and renewal.  

"Incredible twists and turns...R.M. Doyon brings our beautiful islands to life! Bravo!"
Susan Weston Smith, Editor, Thousand Islands Life Magazine


"An explosive conclusion to an epic family drama!"

GA Bixler's Book Readers Heaven


"Foreboding...I could not put the book down as I raced through the last half of the story! Enjoy the ride!"

Charles Mangan, Toronto, ON


"A unique cast of characters, a unique culture and a unique journey! Doyon does a masterful job!"
Pat Edwards, Menomonie, WI

The Upcountry Series




Meet Jane Schumacher. She is a smart, sassy and often profane woman who is shepherding her boss towards the White House. But upon learning some shocking personal news before Thanksgiving, Jane abruptly changes her holiday plans to return to her upcountry home. Soon, as her troubled past begins to haunt her, she is confronted with a fateful dilemma: should she simply rescue her sister from her husband’s evil clutches…or take justice into her own hands?

"Poignant and powerful...a smart, fast-paced story!"

Author Les Whittington of the Toronto Star



It is a sweltering Labor Day weekend in 2010, and Hubie Schumacher's clan has returned to Morgan County, NY to celebrate a milestone in his life--and possibly bring closure to the events of that fateful Thanksgiving nearly four years before. Immediately, we meet a couple of young lovers from completely disparate walks of life, spawning an affair that sets in motion a violent clash of cultures fueled by principle and prejudice.

"Literate and highly entertaining! Doyon's growing legions of fans will not be disappointed."

Author Andrew Cohen of The Ottawa Citizen


Writer living his dream 


By Greg Burliuk - Kingston Whig-Standard


R.M. Doyon is no stranger to writing. He's been a journalist on Parliament Hill, a speechwriter for two federal government departments and had his own public relations firm. All along, however, what he really wanted to do was write fiction.


Now Doyon, who just built a home on Howe Island this year, has gotten into fiction writing big time. He's just published his second novel Thou Torturest Me, which features some of the same characters from his first book Upcountry, which was published in 2010.


Doyon spent his other careers in Ottawa, but his summers were spent across the river from Brockville in upstate New York, which is where both novels are set. "We had a cottage just west of Morristown for nine years," he says over the phone from Palm Springs, where he and his wife winter. "We got to meet a lot of people there and a lot of characters. It's a place that is impoverished economically."


The author had dabbled in other forms of fiction -- he wrote a one-person play called Pirouette about Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau -- and had actually originally written Upcountry as a screenplay. Continued...








Todd Moe spoke with R.M. Doyon from his home on Howe Island in the Thousand Islands. Doyon says his new book is filled with love, loss, hope and culture clashes between mainstream society and the sometimes misunderstood Amish.



Howe Island author releases final novel in ‘Upcountry’ series

Kingston Heritage


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Books of local interest: a ‘family’s painful trials’ to Potsdam-based poetry

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Author with Morristown ties publishes third novel in 'Upcountry Series'

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Local man releases third novel in series

Thousand Islands Sun


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Howe Islander releases his third novel

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Former Morristown summer resident R.M. Doyon releases new novel

North Country Now


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Thou Torturest Me by R. M. Doyon Centers on Neighboring Amish Mixing With English in Deadly Ways!

Book Reader's Heaven




Former Kirkland Laker Rick Doyon releases second novel

Northern News


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Books of local interest

Watertown Daily Times


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Local author releases sequel

Thousand Islands Sun


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Howe Islander publishes second novel

Thousand Islands Sun


Read article (PDF - 296 KB)




Local writer releases new book

Gananoque Reporter


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about the author


R.M. Doyon has been a journalist, speechwriter, publicist, screenwriter and author for more than thirty-five years. His first novel, Upcountry, was published to rave reviews in October, 2010. He and his wife, Shelley, split their time between the shores of the St. Lawrence River and the California desert.












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The BookStorePlus -- Lake Placid, NY


Novel Idea -- Kingston, ON


Brewer Books -- Canton, NY


Beggars Banquet Books - Gananoque. ON



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